The Fox and The Geese
“And the wolf shall dwell
with the lamb”, Isaiah 11:6
I spotted it in the grassy clearing
in a back-pocket park I’d go to for
the cork-carpet trails more forgiving
to bones and joints. It was a fox, it
had to be, no mistaking: the reddish
coat, pointy ears, weaselly snout, furtive
eyes, long tail – at first glance it was
very real, before my early-morning eyes
could see it was frozen there mid-stride.
A prop. Oh, that’s why there’s no geese
here, my thought, for they’d always waddle
imperiously around the pond, leaving
droppings in generous volume on the trails –
their territorial post-it memos to walkers,
hence creating a need for lightning-quick
footwork, enough to challenge the likes
of Baryshnikov and discourage the likes of me.
Back there two months later, I saw a flock
of returnees. I stopped to count them, five
in all, huddling in the grassy clearing where
the fox facsimile had been anchored. I fancied –
silly, I know – they’d been chosen by the flock
to go back and pay respects to the predator fox,
who had such ill-fated luck as to be stricken,
paralyzed neck down – which could easily have
happened to any one of them, Nature forbid.